Our Mission
Supporting small, local businesses
Small businesses bring benefits beyond economic opportunity—they create choice and access for patients and consumers, keep dollars at home, nurture community, and foster and preserve local job creation.
Protecting access for patients
With talks of legalization and adult-use sales by Hawaii's legislator are taking place, this should not mean the end of the medical marijuana program. While some overlap is logical, medical marijuana policy should be evaluated separately and with a focus on ensuring privacy, access and safety for Hawaii's patients.
Environmental sustainability
Nowhere is marijuana regulation more out of sync than with packaging. Treating marijuana like deadly poison does not serve the goal of public health goal and it imperils our planet with needless single-use plastic and other unrecyclable materials. Social justice We have a responsibility to develop a just and fair industry, including recognizing and addressing the cost to those who laid the foundation. Marijuana convictions should not create barriers to licensing and marijuana convictions should be sealed, releasing people from the stigma and negative life outcomes for behavior that is now legal.
Regulating marijuana like a highly dangerous substance requiring more safeguards than even alcohol or tobacco does not improve public health or consumer safety, nor does it build a culture of moderation. Our cannabis stores should not feel like prisons, and our marijuana doesn’t need to look like pharmaceuticals.
Freedom for hemp
Cannabis containing minimal amounts of THC is not ‘marijuana’ and should not be treated as such. We must protect hemp from being pulled under the umbrella of marijuana regulation. Maine law and regulations now support farmers’ ability to cultivate and process this incredible plant and provide it to Hawaii's people. We must fight new USDA rules that could undermine our small, local hemp farmers.
Consumer privacy
While Hawaii talks about legalized marijuana, our federal government is not having these conversations. It continues to be listed, along with heroin, among the most dangerous drugs. It is therefore crucial that the state-compliant choices of Hawaii marijuana businesses, consumers and medical patients be kept private.
If you are a cannabis user in Hawaii and want to protect your rights to please join the Oahu cannabis farm alliance. You can donate or become a free member.
The Oahu cannabis farm alliance is working with Maine lawyers right now to develop a medical regulation bill that supports the cultivators and the small businesses of Hawaii that want to engage in the medical cannabis market and eventually work within the recreational market. The Oahu cannabis farm alliance stance is, "There will be no recreational program without the state first standing up the medical program which was enacted in the year 2000".
Our position is not to move forward with a recreational program until all medical patients have the capacity to cultivate their own cannabis, sell their own cannabis, open cannabis businesses such as coffee shops, Etc.
Please join the fight for with us. Our hearts are with the cannabis patients of Hawaii and the people of Hawaii that are constantly struggling with loss of jobs through poorly made political decisions. Any recreational bill being introduced is a bad bill and wiil only add to the problems of our current monopolized medical dispensary system. Dispensaries shouid not be owned by the few. Join the fight.
Aloha buddy Jay.